Group of Companies

  • Seeds
  • Agri-Chemical
  • Ginning & Processing
  • Tiles
  • NGO

  Our Mission

To be leaders in developing customer focused products of superior values based on world class technology and attractive margin for the trade

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Research and Development

NSAS has placed highest emphasis on genetic enhancement programmes in order to develop superior recombinants and trait specific products by integrating novel genotypes through conventional breeding. Company has been allotting highest priority to the development of R&D centre which has received recognition from the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India.

The company is regularly conducting research programmes on following aspects.

  1. Germplasm acquisition & collection expedition(All mandate field and vegetable crops)
  2. Germplasm evaluation, utilization and conservation. (Evaluation and utilization more vigorously in cotton, castor, wheat & groundnut)
  3. Hybridization and Genetic Enhancement programme
    1. Varietal development :  All mandate crops except pearl millet and maize.
    2. Trait specific genetic enhancement :  Mainly in cotton, wheat, castor & pearl millet.
    3. Parental development : Development of male & female parents as potential proginetors in cotton, castor & pearl millet
    4. Hybrid Development : Preparation of crosses and testing of large numbers of crosses in cotton, castor, pearl millet and maize for yield and other attributes.
  4. Yield Trial : Multilocation yield trials to test the yield performance and adoptability under different production conditions.
  5. Nurseries : Testing of entries for diseases (specially CLCuV in cotton, rust in wheat, wilt in castor and downey mildew in pearl millet)
  6. On farm testing cum demonstration of identified products.
  7. Maintenance breeding (Production of nucleus & breeder seeds of parents of hybrids and OPVs)